Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best Moment in 2013 - Part 2

and at the 2nd position on our Best Moment in 2013's chart is..

after many upside-downs within the preparation
finally, we're getting married on Saturday, September 7th, 2013
and that's my happiest moment (as a woman) to finally become one
as an official couple with my soulmate

Best Moment in 2013 - Part 1

waww gak kerasa this is the last day of 2013!!
we've been through a lot of upside-down in this year
rasanya kalo dijabarin satu-satu terlalu boring buat kalian yang membacanya hehe
dan gak akan bisa juga sebenernya dijabarin secara detail satu persatu
tapi saya coba deh merangkumnya secara judul besar dalam 3 part
(hmm, okay saya sekarang sambil berpikir keras
untuk mencari Top-3 Best Moment in Our 2013 hehe)
hal-hal detail di dalamnya tentu aja juga gak akan luput
untuk kami jadikan pembelajaran hidup untuk ke depan nya

and here it goes, on the 3rd chart of our best moment in 2013 is...

after about one year and almost a month-old-dating
finally, we're officially engaged on February 24th, 2012

Thankyou Lynx's Team for capturing our E-day moment!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Beginning..

Our great story starts here...
Bali, March 29th, 2012

Fyi, we were about just 2 months old dating each other
and our friends kind of set us up on our way to Bali.
But, to be honest in the end we're very grateful and thank them
because it lead us to the next level of our love story.. *gombal mode On*

and when we're home
he made one video about the trip
now every time i watch it, i kinda feel annoyed because i'm missing those times so much *ok, weird*
thankyou, AB, for the video! :)
too bad i can only share the link, i dont know what's wrong with the uploader *sigh*

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hai, hai... Assalamualaikum!

Let me introduce myself as Puspita, biasa dipanggil Pita, my beloved partner, bestfriend, brother and forever husbandAdith .. :)
Sebenernya, yaa layaknya orang-orang seumuran kita yang into bgt sm yang namanya social media, saya dan suami juga salah satu yang sebelumnya punya beberapa blog account di situs yang berbeda buat tempat curhat atau iseng-iseng upload atau repost gambar atau tulisan-tulisan yang dianggap menarik.
Tapi.. someday terpikir juga buat bikin blog yang contentnya lebih fokus buat share tentang kehidupan baru kami sebagai pasangan baru dan inshaaAllah jadi keluarga kecil yang bahagia tentunya (alhamdulillah dan bismillah) :)
Another pupose is.. yaa di masa depan yang pastinya lebih canggih soal teknologinya, inshaa Allah kalau anak-anak cucu kita udah gede, kita ga perlu cape-cape cerita tentang "how we met each other" sampai akhirnya mereka bisa eksis di dunia nyata hehe..

So.. hope you'll enjoy our story guys.
See ya! :)